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Planning Board Minutes 10/20/2011
October 20, 2011
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Secretary)              David Dubois (Member)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)      Charles Levesque (Member)               Martha Pinello (Member)
John Robertson (Ex-Officio)                                     
Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Scott Burnside (Member) Andrew Robblee (Chair)
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)     
Public Attendees:
Ron Haggett

7:00 PM – Public Meeting

Vice Chair opened the meeting at 7:02PM. The agenda items were discussed as follows:
  • October 6, 2011 Minutes  - Approve Minutes – Ms. Pinello moved to accept the minutes. Mr. Robertson seconded. The Board voted to move the minutes as presented.
  • Special Town Meeting  - Update -  The Special Town Meeting on November 8, 2011 has  been organized. The ballots, including absentee ballots have been prepared since October 4. Poll workers and counters have been notified. The Town Moderator has reviewed the preparations. The Supervisors of the Checklist will hold a mandatory  session on October 29.
  • CIP – Letter to Department Heads – All Department Heads have been sent the 2011 Capital Improvement Program letter asking for review of years 2010 – 2016 and to apply for requests for 2017. The due date for the application is October 31, 2011.
  • Legal Accounting Update – The Board had requested the latest bank statement for special legal counsel. Seventy dollars ($70.00) is currently in the account.
  • Annual Excavation Review  On September 13, 2011 -Diane Chauncey (PB secretary),  Mary Pinkham-Langer(DRA Excavation), and Galen Stearns (Town Administrator) reviewed the six (6) active pits in the Town of Antrim. Each pit was walked and Ms. Pinkham Langer explained the process of an annual review and what to be aware of. From this review, each pit operator was sent a letter with the review of their operation. The Planning Board Members read the copies of the letters and viewed a slide show of the active pits of past and the current year.
  • Planning Department Budget The Year to Date budget was presented to the Board Members. The Board members reviewed the handout. The legal budget line evoked a long conversation. The Board members requested a comprehensive review of  legal counsels costs.
At 8:10PM (after one of the shortest meetings in recent history), Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Ms. Pinello seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.
Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board